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Cleaning Your Spa

Soak in your spa's sparkling clean water by following these simple cleaning tips.

● For the whole spa: Use a mild non-abrasive, non sudsing cleaner and a soft rag or nylon scrubber to remove dirt build-up.

● For minor surface cleaning: Use common baking soda to clean small surface areas.

● For a shiny look: Apply spa shine to your clean and dry spa shell.

● For spa pillows: Follow the instructions in your Owner's Manual to remove and clean your spa pillows.

● For vinyl cover: First remove the cover and spray it lightly with a garden hose to loosen any dirt or debris that might have built up. Then, using a mild soap solution (1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid with 2 gallons water) or baking soda, scrub the vinyl in a circular motion with a large sponge and rinse with a garden hose. Rinse the bottom of the cover without using soap, and wipe it clean with a dry rag. 

Helpful Hint: To keep detergent and soap residue out of your spa water, shower without soap before soaking in your spa, and instead of washing your bathing suit use the rinse cycle.

Clean Your Spa Filter Cartridges

Because mineral particles or calcification from hard water can clog any water filtration system, we recommend following these light cleaning tips each month to keep your spa's water flowing properly.

Spray cartridges: Spray each cartridge with a garden hose, rotating while spraying to thoroughly remove any debris between filter pleats.

Replace filters: While cleaning your filters will help keep water running smoothly, you should replace your filters every three years with replacement filters.

Replacing Your Spa Water

While following spa water cleaning tips will keep your water fresh longer, soaps and detergents can build over time in your spa to cause residue. Know how to replace your water with these steps:

● Drain and refill tub: Following the instructions in your Owner's Manual, drain and refill the water in your spa to clear detergent and soap residue that may have accumulated over time.
